Oh like anyone could actually know that Napoleon...
What you might ask was so bad about my bike ride home from work today??? Well let's start at the beginning shall we?
1. Accuweather.com sucks; said the rain would start after 7PM... started at 5PM right as I got going.
2. Hard rain stings (foreshadowing folks... wait for it)
3. I met unabashed cyclist at Swope Park (yes this is on my list of grievences... you'll see why later)
4. I say how about we take 79th... he says how about we take 67th... I agree to 67th.
5. Nearby lightning is scary when riding a bike
6. Wind is not fun either and vitually always blowing in your face rather than at your back.
7. Now we have time for an anecdote... The rain has slackened and the wind has also slackened. It looks like a decent ride home now. Unabashed is about 50 feet ahead of me and I see him pass an old rotten fallen tree stump sticking just maybe a foot into the road... He yells loudly "TREEE!!" Well it is hard to make out because there is still a bit of wind and he is not very close... I continue as he pedals hard ahead of me and calls back again even louder and with a note of frustration "TREEEEE!!" Well yeah duh... I see the tree it is kind of hard to miss. It is just an old tree stump that must have gotten knocked over by the wind. I can easily swerve and avoid it. I am getting closer to the tree and suddenly see a swarm of flies... ah I get it now. He was warning me about road kill. Wait these are some freaking big.... BEEEEEES!!! BEES EVERYWHERE!!! THEY'RE RIPPING MY FLESH OFF!!! YOUR FIREARMS ARE USELESS AGAINST THEM!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!
So yeah we both rode through a swarm of very pissed off honey bees... and yeah we both got stung (I took one to the eye brow, a couple on my arm and one on my hand... unabashed got hit at least 5 times.) It was pretty much the worst ride ever. Oh and then it started raining again... hard... the rest of the painful way home.
I hope you all had a wonderful night... I am firkin going to bed!