Thursday, August 7, 2008

Could be more effective than water boarding...

Imagine a 10'x10'x5' room with video monitors and speakers covering the walls, ceiling and floor. The ceiling is 5' so that you cannot fully stand, though after you witness this you'll understand that a fetal position is the only position the subject is likely to be in.

What is playing on the monitors and through the speakers... 24 hours a day... is...



Unknown said...

Oh man, that's horrible...I don't even like Cadbury creme eggs.

SQLFunkateer said...

The first fifteen minutes were bad. But around the 45 minute mark you really start bobbing your head.

I have to say, this might indicate that I have some sort of moral defect, but I would be quite proud of myself if I had recorded and animated that.

Percussivity said...

The Germans tried something similar during WWII. Here is a Flash recreation of that early experiment in psychological warfare.

SQLFunkateer said...

I find myself navigating to your blog just for the chocolate dance link. I think I may have a problem. If I could take the chocolate song intravenously I would.

Anonymous said...

Best song ever!

Maddie's Mom said...

mmm...'the chocolate'...

Percussivity said...

Mr. Cadbury would have been delighted at the piece's reception had he been able to attend.

Unknown said...

The "badgers" flash animation is eerily reminiscent of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's Oompa Loompas. They gave me nightmares when I was a kid.

The Angry Coder said...

The Oompa Loompa's caused her so much damage, that the kids still cannot walk into our room in the middle of the night for fear of being mistaken as one.

SQLFunkateer said...

You would think after four days the effects would wear off. Nope!

...loves the chocolate, nobody hates the chocolate, coz everybody loves the chocolate..